Jun 4, 2012

Just Another Day #4

My gloomy summer break has just started. Was having lots of fun in last few weeks. Well, we can't have everything in our way, right?
Been going to city for straight 3 days. No reason. Just wandering around.
Having a very bright and hot sunshine for a day and freezing cold the next day.
A lil bird told me, that is Manchester Weather. 

Kadang2 rasa macam bukan 4 musim sebenarnya Manchester ni. More likely, 2 musim je.. :p
Oh ya.. Permaisuri England kan tgh celebrating her Diamond Jubilee this year.- 60 years of The Queen's reign.
So, the royal family was having their lunch and so do we.. :D
looking forward for the lunch this Wednesday if tiada aral melintang. Place? Kak Qamar's Mansion of coursee.
Picture, Insya Allah later.

Update 'bout the trip pun belum ada semangat nak buat lagi. Even the memory card is still in the camera.
See how lazy and spiritless I am. :p

Been watching more than 6 movies in 2 days. See how bored I am.
Tapi, semua movies tu best. ESPECIALLY Into The Wild.
Everyone should watch that.. Selain pelakon yang kacak itu, jalan cerita dia sangat best.
Well it was based on a sad & tragic true story.
It's my bestfriend's recommendation.she's good in choosing that kind of movies. really really good. :)

That's all i can try to promote. :p

*growling stomach*
Bihun Tomyam sounds good, don't you think? ;)
with lots lots lotsss of seafood.
When I say A LOT, I mean A LOT.; crabstick, mussels,prawn, squid... :D
see. banyak kan? :D

okay lah, time to prepare my cook and my tummy. :D

Till then, 

Jun 1, 2012


Been away for few days.. Nehh. Weeks taken..
As been told, I was away for the 7 Days Roadtrip. It was fun! will scratch down every single experience and photos out of it.. ;) Promise.

Everyone is looking forward to go back their hometown; including my Malaysians friends.
It is summer break! who doesnt wanna go home, right?
Well, at least, I want it.

Have bought some "lovely packages" for the family. One has arrived safely. ;) Enjoy it mama!!
Another one to make a move tonight at 9.15pm ,local time.

I miss home,
I miss them,

I better get ready now. Gonna get something for them. :)

Till then,